October 19, 2011


Dear Friends,

I'm delighted to tell you all that my debut novella, HOME, is now available on Amazon.com!
If any of you are inclined to help out a poor, starving writer and purchase a copy, and would like it signed, contact me at carsonbuckingham@yahoo.com and let me know.  I'll give you my address and you can send me a stamped, self-addressed envelope and I will send you back a really nifty bookplate that I have signed, or written whatever you want on, and you can stick it onto the inside cover.  I designed the bookplates, and they are pretty cool.

I'm so excited, I just may piddle myself!

Hugs all around,

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for you as well! That's fantastic news! Congrats. I also gave you an award on my blog today. Stop by and pick it up when you get the chance.


